Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sonoma--Part Two

People who live in northern California seem unfazed by that stuff falling from the sky they call rain. Unless you count the umbrellas, the special water-resistant coats…geez, what a hassle! Me, I threw on a sweatshirt and was good-to-go. Which may explain why I looked like a drowned rat the entire trip.

Anyway, we didn’t have much time before the birthday festivities, but managed to take in a couple wineries nonetheless. (Note to self: schedule pre-Xmas shopping trip to Napa/Sonoma next year—the gift shops are KILLER--and the wine ain’t too shabby, either). So while we tasted and learned, the woman helping us noticed the stenciling on my sweatshirt: “Careful Or I’ll Put You In One Of My Novels.” I guess this was my public debut wearing it, and apparently I wasn’t prepared for the comments it would generate.

Wine Lady: “Does that mean you’re a novelist?”
Me: “Um, yeah.”
Wine Lady: “What do you write?”

Me (cringing): “Um, romance.”
Wine Lady (kinda embarrassed): “Oh, that’s all I read. What have you written…what’s your name?”
Me: (Majorly embarrassed): “Um, I write under Randy Jeanne and I have a book available for download on the internet right now.”
Wine Lady (with eyes glazed over): “Oh. I’ll have to get your card or something.”
Me: “Hm. I don’t think I have one with me.”

Obviously, my hand selling skills could use some work.

Since wine tasting translates directly to hunger, our next stop was “Girl And A Fig” for THE MOST delicious grilled cheese sandwiches EVER. Which accounts for why Mindy and David look so happy here…well, that and maybe because they’re in LOVE.

Later, we drove back to Vacaville to niece Jamie’s for the birthday party, the highlight of which was Karoake. Hey, until you’ve heard a bunch of little kids sing “Eye Of The Tiger” four times in a row, you haven’t lived. I took some video and threatened to put it on my blog, but on further reflection, I figure my readers don’t deserve that kind of torture.

The next day, I managed to find my way back to the airport, returned the rental car, and made my flight back to Burbank. When I got home, I heard vicious rumors about this stuff that had been falling from the sky, but I didn’t believe them.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Oh my! What an awesome "selling" tool!!!! Assuming now you're gonna have tanks, tee-shirts, more sweatshirts all made up with same saying? That is too funny!