Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Conference Badge

Today, boys and girls, let's take a tour of my conference badge, 'kay?

Reading from left to right on the top row: first we have the pin from NYC in 2003 (I lost the one from Denver 2002 precisely 5 minutes
after getting it). Next is Dallas 2004, then comes "Shining Bright" from Reno (that's the one that's not shining so brightly)...which brings us to row two.

First up is my PRO pin--which signifies that I submitted a manuscript and got rejected. Don't laugh. For some, it's a big step. Do you know how many people finish a book and are too frightened of failure to send their labor of love out into the world?

Next we're back to conference pins--that red one in the middle is from this year in Atlanta.

Then that hip chick with the flip is my RWA chapter pin--Chick Lit Writers of America. Next to her is Wile E. Coyote (or is it the Roadrunner??) from ACME, one of my crit groups.

Next you see my name and pen name...how confusing is that? From now on, I'm just going with the pen name.

Finally..........YES...........FINALLY............THERE IT IS! MY FIRST SALE RIBBON!!!

Thanks Triskelion!


Larissa Ione said...

Hey you! You stalked my blog before I could run over here and stalk yours! :)

It was so awesome meeting you--we HAVE to keep in touch!

Liz Falkner said...

Dang, Randy! You've attended quite a few conferences. I know who to find and hang out with in Dallas!