Monday, January 28, 2008

Cue Dramatic Music..., I return to the torture room--er, excuse me--the gym.


The neat thing about having a blog is that I can search through the archives to see when my last appearance took place.

The suck-y thing about having a blog is that I can search through the archives to see when my last appearance took place.

Some things are best left undiscovered.

And, dear readers, some things are meant to be attempted in incremental steps. To wit: I purchased the new tennis shoes back in...what...November? December?

And I re-joined the gym (ha--kept that one a secret, didn't I?) about a week ago. Only a bout with the bubonic plague has kept me away thus far, but time has run out. I can put it off no longer.

I came across some photos circa 1999 this weekend, and...well...let's just say they were a stark reminder of the me I used to be. Or, to put it more aptly, the less of me there used to be. Back then I worked out three or four times a week. I told myself it was for health reasons, not vanity...but you know what?

I'm as vain as it gets.

This time it's all about cute clothes and the body to wear 'em.

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