Monday, May 09, 2005

Ladies, Start Your Engines...

Yep, that’s what it was like at 7 a.m. California time this morning. Today was the day Pro members of RWA (That’s me! That’s me!) got their crack at signing up for editor and agent appointments at this year’s conference in Reno.

Whew! This exercise is not for the faint-hearted!

I got on-line about ten minutes early and kept hitting refresh. Finally, voila! The link appeared!

Click, click, click….sh*t, why doesn’t the thing load?

Click, click, click…sh*t, I’m never gonna get in.

Won’t bore you (any more than you already are) with the details, but the process ended up taking an hour. AN HOUR! Needless to say, I cruised into work a tad late this morning.

Anyway, Reno must not be the destination of choice for the NY elite, because not many editors (outside of category) signed up for appointments. And of those that did, my personal faves were already taken (by people with more status than I)….oh, well. Nevertheless, I’m pretty pleased with what I got—an appointment with an agent who liked my first effort enough to request the full, and an editor looking for chick-lit. As far as the agent goes, I’ll pitch my new book…as for the editor, we’ll see how far I get on my next WIP, The Ladies Outta Luck Club.

So, now that I’ve squared away my appointments, I can start breathing again.

Oh wait. You say I have to actually SHOW UP?? You say I have to VERBALIZE my pitch? In SENTENCES? Out LOUD? Without passing out???



John said...

You want to translate this one into English? Non literary or chick littie.

Where are you going?

Randy said...

Um...not sure which part I'm supposed to translate. "Chick-lit" as in Bridget Jones Diary. Doesn't have to have an HEA (happily ever after). My "Ladies Outta Luck Club" is more what they call hen-lit (ugh!!!)--older heroines at a point where life didn't quite turn out the way they'd planned. Can be written in 1st person from multiple POV (point-of-view) which mine is. Lots more leeway--lots less rules.

Conference is in Reno...several CW members (John's former crit group and where we met) going--including Adrienne, Vicki, Brooke and I.