Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Is Blogging Over With?

Today I noticed an extremely popular blogger is going out of business. Burned out, she said. Brings to mind another blogger I used to read daily who closed her doors awhile back. Same thing. The more widely read the blog, the more it apparently eats into that person's life and, presumably, the activities that, er, actually pay the bills.

Personally, my readership has dwindled to about half what it used to be. Have I become boring (not that I was ever that exciting to begin with, but...)...or have people just become blase about blogs?

Come to think of it, I used to faithfully surf about 20 blogs a day, and hey, what a coinky-dinky, I probably hit about 10 of them now. Half.

Between blogs, websites, and Myspace pages, have we exposed ourselves to the point of saturation?

1 comment:

Vonda Sinclair said...

Hi, Randy,
I don't read blogs as much as I used to either. Don't know why. I waste so much time doing other things like reading emails or surfing the web, or like tis, tagging you. LOL!

This is my first time doing this, so I hope I do it right. Consider yourself "tagged" lady. Good for a snicker.