Monday, July 31, 2006

Smoking With Nora

First, cool blog post title, huh? All you romance writers out there know, of course, that I'm referring to the one, the only, Nora Roberts. This year alone, she's releasing SEVEN original titles. She's the Energizer Bunny of writing.

Anyway, I was out in front of the hotel smoking with Nora and some gals from the midwest who were HUGE fans. I mean, they were practically the point where they even asked for an autograph. I had to hand it to Nora; she managed to juggle her bag and the cigarette while stooping down on high heels to scrawl something nice in their notebooks.

Then they got to talking about jewelry. I heard one of the ladies say to Nora: "Don't you just feel like a million bucks when you put on great jewelry?"

And I'm thinking: Nora doesn't need jewelry to feel like a million bucks. Nora IS a million bucks...and more!

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