Saturday, November 29, 2008

Black Friday

Okay, I admit I did NOT do my part to resurrect the economy yesterday. I only hope that the rest of you made up for my absence. Instead, niece Jamie roped me into joining the family for a portrait, complete with an honest-to-goodness photographer. I took the opportunity to snap a few pictures myself, so here they are. That's the "grandparents photo" with Barry and Polly in the center, flanked by Ashley on the left and Jake and Zac on the right. And that's the Perlstein family below, complete with Mom and Dad (Jamie and Jon).

New parents Brian and Juli-Ann with baby Paige wallowed in the wet grass for this pose.

Finally, last but not least, niece Mindy (and fellow spinstress) to me, but Aunt Mindy to Paige.

Let's hope the professional guy did a better job than I, huh? (P.S. I think you'll agree that Paige is the only consistently photogenic one of the group.)

Nice setting though, huh?

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