Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Practice What You Preach Updated*

... or, at least pay attention to your own blog posts.

That's what I'm trying to do tonight. Yes, it's back to the WIP, the infamous NaNo whirl WIP. 52,000 (*updated 53,500--woo friggin hoo) words and stalled for months. I finally finished the chapter I started in...oh...I dunno...April? Take it from me: when this happens, do something, ANYTHING, to move forward. Write a scene out of order. Um...write...um...oh, hell...just write.

And I did.

I know what comes next now. Kinda.

But, in the meantime, that Michael Hague workshop (see previous post) is reverberating in my head like a school teacher drumming in times tables.

Unhealed wound. Unhealed wound.

I've been waiting for Daphne to reveal it to me, but dammit...so far, she's keeping her secrets close to the vest. Oh, I've seen some hints here and there, but not enough to hang her entire character arc on.

She'd better hurry up.

I DO have a bit of a fall-back position. Something I brainstormed months ago. But if the idea were so brilliant, wouldn't it have folded its way into her character by now?

Nope. Not happening.


Meanwhile, I was searching for an earlier passage--one I knew planted a seed for the direction the next chapter should/may/will take. When I found it, I read several scenes.

Man, I like this book. Always have.

But I need to do it justice.

I need to find the unhealed wound.

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