Wednesday, January 24, 2007


You know that old saying: There's no such thing as BAD publicity? Well, let's hope it's true, 'kay?

'Cuz if you wander over to Smart Bitches Who Love Trashy Novels and scroll down to Monday, guess what you'll find? Right. Stealing Amy's cover.

Hey, I laugh out loud at the spot-on snark and no-holds-barred reviews on this never thought I'd find myself on the receiving end of 'em.

Okay, so it's just my cover. But I kinda LIKED my cover. More importantly, my PARENTS liked my cover. So WHAT if they kinda confused the model with me (ooh, her nails are nice and her hair's a pretty shade of blonde!). So WHAT if guys on Myspace draw the same conclusion and hit on me?

It's all good.

Isn't it?

1 comment:

John said...

Wow, you are famous, or infamous. But, you were among friends, or colleagues, or something. Don't let it bug you, your cover is fine. Just needs some paper behind it so you can sign a copy for me.