Wednesday, March 23, 2005

An Unworthy Blog Day

I just couldn't come up with anything blog-worthy today, so I decided to take advantage of the title and ramble. In case you're interested, here are the topics that almost made it:

1. Are little boys more disaster prone than little girls? It's only a theory since I don't have children of my own, but I know for a fact I never launched a paperclip from my hands straight into my mouth so that it hooked right through my tonsil. This is the amazing feat my assistant's son accomplished today.

2. I could have talked about Terry Schiavo, but how depressing is that story? Besides, I'm very wishy washy and can easily argue both sides. I bore myself on the topic. Why bore others?

3. Why are holidays so complicated? Especially Easter, for God's sake? No, we can't have it at my parents' house, it's too much, we can't have it at my house (ostensibly because it's too much work but in truth because no one thinks I'm capable)...yes, we can have it at a, we can't have it at a restaurant...yes, let's order the whole thing from, Gelson's is too, hmmm...let's see...why not have it at my parents house? (Do you see the circle here?)

4. What's happened to the daily tales of celebrities doing stupid things? Are they all on some kind of hiatus? Aside from Pat O'Brien (who's old and therefore less interesting apparently) no one cute and fun has had anything splashed across the Internet lately. (In case you're uninformed: Pat O'Brien allegedly left wicked voicemail on some woman's answering machine outlining what he wanted to do to her, what he wanted her to do to him, and (hey--what a guy) what the two of them could do with his girlfriend. Somehow (?) these messages made their way to the Internet. Sadly, Mr. O'Brien cannot be reached for comment since he checked himself into alcohol rehab last week.)

5. We could discuss the downfall of the Laker dynasty...but that term sounds like an oxymoron these days. Hell, we could discuss March Madness, but I didn't get into a pool, so who cares?

Okay, that's enough for now. There are other topics that didn't make the cut, but it's quittin' time and I'm angling for a margarita. Dammit. The whole plant is working overtime. That means no one available for Happy Hour. Guess I'll have to go home and polish that agent request instead.

Let's all hope there's something to talk about tomorrow! Or, not.

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