Friday, April 29, 2005

I'm a Techno-Wiz!!

Believe me, people. This wasn't easy. But I finally figured out how to alter the HTML code in the blog template to include links to other people. Wheeee! Ain't the Internet grand?

If you scroll down a bit and look to the left, first you'll see "Friends." So far, the sites I've linked to in this category are people whose blogs I begat. Fair warning to John, Brooke and Marty: if you slack off for more than a week, you run the risk of disappearing. (I know, how tragic would that be? And, if threats aren't an inspiration, I don't know what is.)

Under "Favorites" I've linked two sites. Conversations About Famous People is written by a woman I "know" from the Chick-lit Writers' she doesn't get sued is a huge mystery to me. By clinking on her link you'll keep current on everything you never wanted to know about the disgusting icons of pop culture.

The other site, Gaping Void, is owned by a guy who draws cartoons on the backs of business cards. I know. Doesn't sound too interesting, does it? But check him out...and be sure to find his page on creativity. It's remarkable.

These were just the ones that flew off the top of my head when I realized I'd learned to do magic with my template.

More later.

P.S. I was too lazy to figure out the code that makes the links open to a separate window, so be sure to hit your back button to return to mine!


Erin said...

LOL! I've been checking out "conversations" for awhile now, and it cracks me up! How she comes up with some of the things she says is beyond me. And where does she find time to update like that!?!?!

John said...

You are one up on me, two if you ever post a photo. I checked out the conversations site, how does she do that? Back button works fine as I made it back here. So, what you going to learn tomorrow?

John said...

You better hastle Brooke; she's gone eight days. Since she fixed her roof, she doesn't have anything to say.

John said...

It was supposed to end with a question mark, the above comment. Actually the sentence is wrong. Since she fixed her roof, doesn't she have anything to say? No, it's no better. OK, Randy, teach me the delete the stupid blogs technique.

Randy said...

Aha! How quickly they forget! I posted a photo of a mommy duck and her babies way back in, I dunno, March? It took forever to figure out and whatever I downloaded to do it is on my computer at the office. I almost posted two pictures today: one with long hair, one with short...I was gonna ask for input on what I should tell the hairdresser today. Oh, well. Too late.

I think only the bloggER can delete comments, not the blogEE. But I didn't see the little trashcan guy...maybe I need to go to editing...but, hey...I like as many coments as I can get, so let's leave it, shall we?

Randy said...

P.S....Conversations About Famous People gets over 10,000 hits a week...she's just started doing paid advertising on it and "selling" book promo spots "disguised" as part of her I recall, a friend of hers owns the rights to the photos