Monday, April 18, 2005


Today I’m in the mood to ramble.

First, I’m feeling creepy on account of a nightmare that woke me around two this morning. I dreamt that miniature yellow dirigibles were zipping around L.A.’s skies dispensing a lethal spray of doom that I could smell and feel as it invaded my lungs. Charming, huh? Then I watched as American jets tried unsuccessfully to shoot down the bad guys. (Hmm…must have something to do with a defense project we’re bidding…oh, shh…not supposed to talk about that.)

Second, my desk—no, make that my whole office—is a disaster area. Come to think of it, my entire life is a disaster area. Sure, I can see the bottom of my closet now (note Saturday’s post) but guess what? Remember all that laundry I created? Most of it is still sitting in heaps all over the bedroom. I suck.

But if you really wanna be disgusted, check out my garage. Ever since the remodeling project of three years ago…well, I just don’t know what to do with the leftover tile, carpeting, and paint. Plus, my contractor-guy stuffed my recycling bin with cement bags which, I’m pretty sure, are not biodegradable. Meanwhile, since I can’t bring myself to put cardboard boxes in the regular trash, I’ve accumulated this veritable garden of packaging. I need a dumpster and I need it now. On second thought, isn’t garage cleaning a man’s job? Maybe I need a man. And, while he’s at it, could he pull some weeds on the back patio?

Yes, I’m feeling a bit out of control. I read once that organization is all about having the proper container. Like if you’re always misplacing your car keys, keep a basket on the kitchen counter (ha—I’ve got that beat—I leave them in the car). Note to self: Buy new dresser and clothes hamper.

Ever hear of an optical migraine? As I type this, I’m looking through blurred vision—sort of like a small paisley heat wave that starts off as a tiny spec and over the next twenty minutes will expand to fill my complete field of vision. Then it’ll reverse the process and go away.

Shoot. I haven’t even gotten to what was gonna be my favorite topic today—the start of another diet/exercise commitment. But, if I continue trying to see during the next twenty minutes, I’ll end up with a whopping headache. So instead, I’m off to close my eyes for awhile.

Damn. Nightmares to migraines. An auspicious start to the day, for sure.


Anonymous said...

Reminiscent of the scripts on
"Sex And The City"

Erin said...

Hi Randy. I 'lurk' on your blog sometimes and I had to laugh at your clutter problem. It sounds like me! Try for some tips on getting your house together. It takes time, but it works!

I feel you on the head-pain-in-the-ass. I have been fighting a full-blown migraine all day. Yuck.


Randy said...

Ohmigosh, there's a website designed just for me! Thanks for coming out of lurkdom to share, Erin. I had to laugh when Flylady mentioned that a dishwasher is nothing more than diry dish disposal (I think that's how she put it). That's exactly what I use mine for! Storage! Not sure I even own dishwasher liquid. Dish WASHING liquid, yes--for hand washing. But, I confess. I have a cleaning guy (yes, GUY!) every other week who washes whatever dishes I haven't re-used in the interim. Ooh, is this TMI? And, isn't my current state of slovenliness (sp?) even more reprehensible now that I've let on I have a house cleaner?

John said...

If you were looking for verification, you are truely pathetic. Bet even Brooke is awed.

I have vision migraines, which tend to whirl in circles with a little biddy spot in the middle to see out of. Excetrin Migraine takes out the pain and the whirles, but not the pressure. However, I can work and wrie. Nothing else works at all.

Brooke said...

Hey, Randy!!!! I think we may have been maligned here! What's up with that??!!!!

One thing, I can thankfully say, is that I have never had a migraine. May have something to do with the fact that I had a terrible brain concussion when I was in the second grade (in a coma for a bit and then out of it for about four weeks...) so I had terrible headaches as a child...Guess I got them out of my system for the most part...