Monday, March 28, 2005

Waste Is...Well, It's Such A Waste

I’m talking trash here but, no, I haven’t morphed into Alan Iverson. I mean honest-to-goodness household detritus…as in the stuff you send to the curb once a week.

At my house, that little trip to the curb translates to $40 a month. FORTY DOLLARS A MONTH! For ONE measly person! Honestly, I have a trash compactor which gets emptied every other week by my maid (obviously, I don’t cook much) and he (yes, how cool is that my maid is a man?) puts uno trash bag into my company-issued trashcan.

And for this, I pay the same amount as the slobs down the street. Now, I ask you: is that fair??

I’m seriously thinking of lugging my trash to work so I can dispose of it in the company dumpster. Tacky, I know, but oh-so-economical.


Anonymous said...

What happened to Tuesday's blog?

John said...

You have blog groupies?

My trash cost $27.10 every two months.

Randy said...

Think I'll move to Washington...or maybe Cape Cod.

Yes, I have a veritable legion of blog fans...ha. Oh, the pressure...